"Writing a novel is like driving a car at night. You can see only as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way."E.L. Doctorow

Friday, 21 August 2009

Untitled Story

Chapter 1

    One day I woke up to find a penguin sitting on the end of my bed. It was an unusual thing to find on the end of anyone’s bed and some might pinch themselves to make sure it wasn’t a dream. For some reason I didn’t do this. I looked at the penguin, eyed it up and down to make sure it indeed was a penguin and then finally (when I was 100% sure) I stuck my hand out for it to shake. The penguin peered at me curiously. It stared at my hand for a few seconds, wondering what to do and then decided to peck it. I shot my hand back in fright and studied it (as one would do) to make sure there wasn’t any physical damage and gave the penguin a frown of annoyance. How rude! I thought. This penguin certainly does not have many manners at all.

Then I realized my mistake. How had I been so dumb? “Sorry” I said. “I forgot that penguins don’t have hands” The penguin made a curious sort of high-pitched gurgling noise and hopped off my bed. It waddled its way to my closet and started rumbling through my pile of laundry. I was about to scold it when I saw something small and round. I leapt out my bed and stepped onto the carpet. “Oh!” I said, trying to get as close to it as I dared. “You laid an egg!” The penguin seemed to smile at me and then it (yet again) made that high-pitched noise. “It’s a pretty egg, isn’t it?” The penguin nodded its head. “You must be proud of it,” The penguin nodded its head once again, except this time more dramatically, showing me how proud she was with the emphasis of her nod. Then, she started to nudge the egg closer to her feet. I watched in silence as she slowly pushed it into a pouch she had. I didn’t know penguins have pouches, I thought to myself.
“What are you doing?” I asked, not expecting an answer. She starred at me, probably wondering whether or not to tell me her secret. “Its alright,” I whispered. “I won’t hurt you, I promise.”
“Okay, I trust you,” she said. Wait. No she couldn’t have said that, penguins don’t talk. “Penguins do talk,” she said. “No they don’t!” I found myself telling her. She seemed to shrug her shoulders as if she was done trying to convince me. “Humans are all the same. I thought you were different.” She turned to my window and pushed her flipper on it, trying to get the latch open. “Wait!”

She turned around and stopped what she was doing. “I DO believe you. I’m so sorry about before, I just was a little bit confused, humans are like that you see,” She frowned as if she was having trouble believing me. “Okay. Hop on my back,” I frowned (there seemed to be a lot of frowning going on here). “What are you ta…” “Look, I thought you said you weren’t like other humans,” she interrupted. I was thinking of responding by saying I had not actually said that I wasn’t like other humans but only said that I believed her but decided not. I climbed on her back. It was actually more comfortable then it seemed and she was bigger than I thought. There seemed to be a fold of fat that acted as a seat for me and there was this bit of fur on her back that was much longer that I held onto like reigns. “You ready?” I couldn’t respond to this. After all, who ever heard of someone being ready to ride on a penguin? Even if it was a giant, talking one.

The window was now wide open, big enough to fit a giant penguin. I knew she was going to attempt to fly and so I got ready to fall. I wasn’t stupid. I knew penguins couldn’t fly. It just wasn’t what Mother Nature had given them. She probably had done all the other birds and when she got to the penguins, the ostriches and emus (plus all other non-flying birds) she just thought, well I have enough of those flying types, perhaps these ones will be different. I guess I was very deeply emerged in my thoughts for I didn’t seem to realize that my legs were hanging off the penguin and not firmly situated on the ground. This time I thought I’d give pinching a crack. “Ow!” I cried as I saw my whole arm go red. The penguin made a tutting noise, “Humans think they’re so smart but sometimes I wonder how their species survived all this time,”

I was just about to give a rude remark (much like the one she’d given me) when I saw where the penguin was heading. Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh. We’re going to DIE!!!!! Was the first thing I thought, for we were heading (would you believe it) right into the sun.

I think I blanked out.
I opened my eyes to see the penguin (of which I still didn’t know the name of) staring straight at me. “Oh she’s here again,” she said, like as if I wasn’t there before. Which I guess I wasn’t, really, since I was unconscious. I wondered whether I really was in heaven. I wondered if I’d ever see my family again and if they would be wondering where I was. Would they send a search party out for me? If someone had spotted me on the back of a penguin, flying into the sun, would they believe them?
I think the penguin was some kind of mind reader because she tutted at me once again (I was beginning to think she was turning into my mum) and pointed to somewhere with her flipper.
I tried to find out where she was pointing to but it was golly well hard with all the stupid giants blocking the way. Wait. Giants?

This is the first chapter to my new story. I don't know what to call it - please give me ideas, I would love to hear them! Thank you for reading.


  1. AWESOME STORY! Very random too. It made me laugh. Can't think of a title till you post more chaps. keep it up.

  2. Hi

    Yay! It made you laugh!!! That was the story's whole purpose. I (and the story too) are very happy :) I'm so glad you liked it!!!! I will have to write the next chapter soon

